Friday, May 9, 2014

Another Adventurous Dream

November 26th, 2013 
03.26 p.m. - 06.13 p.m. 
I dreamed about my dad and myself. First, I went to Bogor to meet my dad, we chatted as usual. Then we were off to some place at night time, to a mall perhaps. Then I found out that my dad's working as a manager in one of the stores, like a Planet Surf store one. One time, he got into a mouth fight with the owner who was a lady and apparently one of the parents of my students in reality. The mouth fight got intense until me and my dad left the premises (somehow I was there also). Then I talked to my dad about his problem, this and that. After the talk, we went back inside to talk things out to the boss. Her kids were inside, but they were different from reality, they looked like Laetitia and Saybia (two of my former students in reality) but at times looked like Miss Nia's (My colleague at work) daughters also. It was in the early morning time when me, the two girls and their dad got inside the car to go somewhere, could be to take the girls to their ballet course because they were wearing some ballet costumes. Then the girls' dad went outside the car to do something and we waited in the car. It was so frustrating waiting in the car and thinking about my dad loosing his job (he's still talking with the boss I guess at that time). Suddenly I was driving the car, I jumped off a cliff then I looked back to see the girls, but the girls weren't there. Before I landed, it was almost like I got zoomed out and actually I was playing a weird Gameboy Advance racing game. But the graphic is so HD in that GBA, it was as if I played PS3 in GBA. I kept playing the game when I pressed something that made me go inside the game again, but this time I was flying above the car, 3rd person view I guess. The urban car that I was driving turned into an all terrain vehicle, then turned again to an iguana looked like the animal (Boga) that was ridden by Obi Wan Kenobi in some planet to chase General Grievous. The animal was scurrying and running so fast in a canyon with me on top of it, as if it was chased by something. Then I looked behind it. There were some weird high-tech vehicles chasing it. I kept playing the game with my mind then I made the lizard with me escape through a small opening between two big rocks. Then the scene turn to some game trailer where the leader of the chaser was really upset that I got away, then I could see that the chasers were some badass looking guys. The vehicles were very cool too that they used. They planned to train someone to go after me, two of the gang members got into a fight about who supposed to train the person. The two guys settled it with a fight and one of them won. After suddenly the screen turned to another place where there was a lake and Sasuke Uchiha came bursting out from the water with the fancy moves and all. He appeared to be the person who'll be trained and hunt me down. Then I woke up and the dream ended. Weeeeeird.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Adventurous Dream

May 6th, 2014 
02.00 a.m. - 04.10 a.m. 
Just what I've been expecting, another weird and wild dream... 

So me and one of my colleagues from my former job went back from the office, I found out that she was actually my next door neighbor in a dorm. The dorm was quite large, but from the outside I could only see my room and her room, all of the surroundings were dark and shadowy with a very high ceiling. We both went to our own rooms and she said she'd call me to get some dinner once she'd done changing. So I waited inside my room while watching TV. In the end I couldn't wait any longer, so I knocked on her door and asked whether her boyfriend had arrived to join the dinner. 

As she opened the door and I was standing in front of it, a shadow rushed inside my room, so I quickly checked inside my room. To my surprise it was my colleague's boyfriend showing up with a laugh, I guess he wanted to scare the hell out of me. So after his fancy showing up style we went to some usual tent food place to eat, there was nothing I could remember about that part. After a while we went back, but the shadowy dormitory room changed into a somewhat 3x2 room with windows and curtains on all sides and my colleague was nowhere to be seen. The room reminded me of one of my relative's place. I was trying to sleep when a knock came from the door. I opened the door and found that my ex was standing there with a toddler in her arms. She told me that it was my mom's child and I thought to myself; How the heck, I didn't ask though... She then came inside, sat and let the kid play in my room. 

It was almost dawn when the kid peed his pants, it was weird though; the pee was a lot, freakin made me panic and used my clothes from the wardrobe to clean and dry the floor (it was an instant act, I guess I could've used a mop or something else). After I cleaned everything, she took the kid to the bathroom outside of her room. When she came back, it was morning time already, light was coming in, I told her to put the kid outside in the sofa. After that the curtains from all sides were opened automatically, I could see from the window that one of the maids from my relatives' house were walking towards my room. She told me that all of the maids couldn't sleep also last night, when I turned to ask something to my ex, she had already disappeared. But when I checked the sofa where the kid was on, he was still there with another maid. Then I asked the maid again about the reason they couldn't sleep. She said it was because there was a ghost playing a violin somewhere inside the house that made them scare and couldn't sleep. Funny that I didn't hear any violin sound last night. 

The light from the sun wasn't there anymore, then some fully armed guys and some civilians from the neighborhood walked inside the room. One of the guys revealed that they were the military and said that they were setting their base in the house for the incoming assault from the terrorists. He explained about the terrorists of whom came from Medan to seek revenge for one of their comrades who was shot to death by the police. It is funny that I can remember one of the military guy's face whom I'd never met in reality. 

It was funny also that it was night time again. Not long after the terrorists' convoy arrived, they all looked liked the Talibans complete with AKs and rocket launchers. The situation got really tensed like in some war zone, to my horror the military guys had disappeared leaving me and other civilians there, I guess they were spreading and getting ready to attack. Then it was switched to daytime again. In the middle of the panic of whether we should stay or leave, my brother was suddenly there beside me. I saw that the Talibans were getting off of their vehicles, then I told everyone to duct under the window to avoid getting seen. I peeked, then I saw all of them were getting ready to shoot down the house with their AKs, I duct again and closed my ears. Everyone survived when they'd finished emptying their rounds, then me and my brother somehow got outside and were running for our lives. The surroundings were really like of those in a war zone; burning houses and vehicles, bodies on the streets, helicopters dropping, man, all kinds of madness. My brother and I have gotten separated when I got to some area that hasn't been attacked. I saw behind me were some Taliban guys running towards my direction. They were still far away behind so they couldn't have noticed me, I took the action to quickly jump into a gutter to hide. Out of the fire and into the frying pan, the gutter was a small crevice opening to a bottomless chasm. I couldn't see the bottom of it and I was merely holding myself from falling with my strength between the crevice. The crevice was filled with mold and moss, it was very slippery and I was slipping. 

Somehow I got out of that problematic gutter and saw my dad standing on the stairs, a similar staircase to the one near my home in Bogor. I saw my step mom, brother and sister also. My dad said something, but I couldn't remember anything. Then the wild dream ended, thus regaining my consciousness. It is very amusing to me for a very long dream to occur only in two hours of sleep time.